A downloadable game for Linux

How to play:

Avoid the giant monster while boxing with smaller monsters, who, if killed, drop a growth orb. Collect growth orbs and grow to a size to fight the giant monster.


Move camera: mouse

Attack: left click

Movement: W/A/S/D

Known issues:

- Small monsters can't hurt player

- Player can't hurt giant monster

Unfortunately, I overscoped. This game is very VERY rough. I wish I hadn't wasted as much time as I did. That said, at least in theory, I think the concept is good. And, most importantly, it was a good creative exercise that pushed me to learn a LOT.

This was my first time doing 3D navigation, 3D animation, and more

Please check out some of my other ithch.io uploads.

Thank you to Mark Brown for hosting this game jam!


gmtk-2024-game-windows.zip 35 MB
Version 21 30 days ago
gmtk-2024-game-linux.zip 29 MB
Version 23 30 days ago

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